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Top Signs You Need to Install a New Entry Door

There’s something about doors- they tend to radiate a sense of eternity and everlasting sturdiness. This is why when homeowners carry out remodels, they often overlook doors. Doors are supposed to last forever, after all. Right?

The answer’s a flat no! Like everything else in your home, the door is deprecable. However, replacing it at the right time saves you plenty of trouble and allows you to enjoy several benefits. Here are the top signs you need to install a new entry door.

Custom Door Entryway

Physical Damage

More often than not, the damage is apparent physically. Such telling signs include:

  • Squeaking Hinges

  • Peeling Paint

  • Dents

  • Visible Cracks and Breaks

Security Concerns

As it approaches the end of its life span, your door becomes weak and dangerously comes close to failing in its primary function- security. You may have to replace the lock system, which sometimes involves replacing the entire door.

Evidence of Drafts

When chilly drafts begin to creep in, they often result from gaps around the frame. Drafty doors are especially unpleasant in the winter and fall. Plus, your indoor heating and cooling systems will have to work extra to keep the indoors at the right temperature, causing increased energy bills.

Evidence of Physical Weathering

Entryway doors take a beating throughout their lifespan, with the ravages of the elements and weather tending to show after some years. The result is often warping or cracking that compromises the door's integrity.

Moisture Damage

Weak, wet wooden doors are the perfect host for insects, mildew, mold, and rot. This type of damage occurs slowly but surely, and by the time you begin to take notice, the rot is far gone, and no quick fix will suffice.

Aside from wooden door panels, glass doors with double-paned glass are also susceptible to moisture damage. Here, it is the seal between the two panes that weaken. When this happens, mold and mildew can then thrive, and rot will set in.

Should You Replace Your Entry Door Yourself?

While you may be tempted to freestyle things by doing it by yourself with the aid of some tools, there are a number of compelling reasons why you should trust only a professional to help with the installation:

There Are Safety Risks

Doors are often big and heavy, and trying to do it all by yourself can result in some nasty accidents that you’d rather avoid.

You May Damage the Door

Aside from the risk of physical injury, you also risk damaging the heavy, expensive door while attempting to install it.

You May Fail to Align the Door Properly

A well-installed door must be aligned appropriately- that is, it must be level, square, and plumb. Only a professional can carry out a correct frontway door installation, and trying to DIY won’t give you the best results.

Get Beautiful and Durable Entry Doors for Your Miami and Broward County Home

The right entryway door won't just serve as a means to secure your home. It can enhance its curb appeal and increase energy efficiency, saving you money on energy. So, if you see any signs of damage, don’t hesitate to contact the Miami and Broward door professionals at Alcon Windows and Doors. Request an estimate today.

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