"Y pa-fuera!" Whats the best time of the year to replace your old single pane windows??
It seems like in the last couple years there has been a HUGE boom in the Impact windows and doors industry, due to all the technological advancements and financing option's that have made there way to the industry, South Floridians now have more access to these products than ever before. Everyone appears to be jumping on the band wagon Tia, Abuela and even Rigoberto that came from Cuba a couple months ago are all replacing out they're single pane glass with Impact Double pane windows. With all the rebates, insurance deductibles and financing options available in today's market as well as the proven benefits its understandable why people are retrofitting there home with new windows. With that being said I've also noticed a trend in the period when everyone begins to contemplate putting impact windows, im going to let you in on a little secret, when Local 10 or Univision reports a possible Hurricane coming towards South Florida you're already to late. Impact windows need to be assembled and customized to fit your opening and that process can take anywhere from 4 to even 9 weeks depending on the manufacturer and the time of year that you put your order in. Being that Hurricane season is already the busiest time of the year for us and its when orders take the longest to be assembled and installed, when a Hurricane is two weeks away from making landfall it is impossible to get your home ready in time. Here are a couple of tips that will save you a headache and a sudden rise in blood pressure, and save us from having to be the bearer of bad news.
So when should we replace our windows??

Hurricane season if you were not aware runs from June 1st to November 30th, if you have a choice I highly encourage you not to wait till this time to begin to shop around for new windows, like I mentioned Its the busiest time of the year for everyone in the industry and your running the risk of not having your home ready in time for a hurricane. And the last thing you want is to be rushing during this process and choose a product that you wont be happy with or worse if you go with a company that will not meet your expectation. Another factor that comes into play is the rain, like we all know here in South Florida it rains everyday in the summer time and that not only stops the installers from being able to install the windows but it also isn't ideal for the caulk or sealant to dry and can give you a host of problems.
Instead I encourage you to fancy the idea of waiting for things to cool down literally and figuratively speaking. The best time of the year to shop around is December-April. Its when your going to have the shortest production times and maybe even get the best prices.
Regardless of the time of year you decide to replace your windows we'll try to help you to the best of our abilities, with 30+ years of experience in this industry we know how to get the job done no matter the circumstances. Give us a call and let us help you with "Hurricane proofing your home today. 305-553-0229